SRIM is a collection of software packages which calculate many features of the transport of ions in matter. Typical applications include:
- Ion Stopping and Range in Targets: Most aspects of the energy loss of ions in matter are calculated in SRIM, the Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter. SRIM includes quick calculations which produce tables of stopping powers, range and straggling distributions for any ion at any energy in any elemental target. More elaborate calculations include targets with complex multi-layer configurations.
- Ion Implantation: Ion beams are used to modify samples by injecting atoms to change the target chemical and electronic properties. The ion beam also causes damage to solid targets by atom displacement. Most of the kinetic effect s associated with the physics of this kind of interactions are found in the SRIM package.
- Sputtering: The ion beam may knock out target atoms, a process called ion sputtering. The calculation of sputtering, by any ion at any energy, is included in the SRIM package.
- Ion Transmission: Ion beams can be followed through mixed gas/solid target layers, such as occurs in ionization chambers or in energy degrader blocks used to reduce ion beam energies.
- Ion Beam Therapy: Ion beams are widely used in medical therapy, especially in radiation oncology. Typical applications are included.